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Well, there you have it a fully functional online application powered on the client side by Ajax technologies, and on the server side by PHP. The result is a photo gallery that is different than the run-of-the-mill web gallery application. It runs smoothly and efficiently, and can be easily implemented into any existing web application. The idea that a web application can be fluid and dynamic without having to reload the screen whenever you click a link is quite powerful and, in my opinion, rather fun to create and use.
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When you re creating stationery or business cards, or even a web site, it s natural to think about hiring a professional graphic designer to help you out. Robert Zanger wanted a designer to create a logo, a look for his store, and a standard listing template. He hired a popular designer named Debbie Levitt, who owns As Was design (http://aswas.com, shown in Figure 5-5), to do the work. It cost a few thousand dollars, but it was a one-time expense, and it will reap rewards for the foreseeable future, he says. Making your site give people the impression of a professional, large corporation gives
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or years, web developers have been stuck with the notion of what a web page can and cannot do This mindset is based around technical limitations rather than lack of imagination; but over time this limitation has made many web developers become set in their ways Over time, technical limitations began to recede and be overcome by such advances in technology as scripting languages, style sheets, client-side languages (JavaScript, ActiveX), and, at long last, Ajax Ajax allows web developers to truly begin to once again think outside of the box In the last few months, I have seen more innovative applications created than I have since the inception of the Web However, while we now have a new way of doing business (so to speak) on the Web, a few problems have begun to arise First off, users are extremely used to the old way of doing things.
FIGURE 5-5 Robert Zanger hired this eBay design and marketing specialist to create a professional look for his store.
1 2 (27)(14)
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Action happening on a web page without a page refresh is unheard of and rather unexpected Users have gotten used to such staples as the Back button, which can no longer be used in the same way when a page uses the XMLHttpRequest object It is therefore important to build Ajax applications with the notion that users are not up to speed on the advances that have been made By integrating ergonomic features such as navigation, help buttons, and loading images, we can make it simpler and more intuitive for the end user to move into the richer Internet applications that we can now create Sadly, not all developers have truly considered the ramifications that rich Internet applications can have I have seen web sites built entirely using Ajax functionality that work far worse than they would have if they had been coded without.
confidence to bidders. I have had people come into my store and say, I thought you had a hundred workers and you were a huge company. One benefit of having a predesigned template is the ability to simply drop in photos as needed. Some items only need a single photo, but others require three or four because they are large in size or have many different features (or different areas of wear or damage that need to be shown to prospective buyers). The DRESS SUITS site gets as many as 1,500 new items a week; that s thousands of separate digital images that need to be processed. Because he doesn t have to worry about designing each description from scratch, Zanger is able to take many of the images himself. I take the zoot suit pictures, he says. (See Figure 5-6 for an example.) For the items that are just being relisted, I re-use photos. These include single-breasted suits (13 colors, all sizes), double-breasted suits (13 colors, all sizes), tuxedos, and hats. Some pictures of school uniforms that have
Throughout this chapter, you ll have a look not so much at how to use Ajax, but, more importantly, when it is appropriate to use it, how it should be implemented in such cases, and what forms of existing coding standards you can use to make the job easier..
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